Whether you have a senior dog, or a younger dog, they all give us signs on their needs and desires. As our dogs age however, there are things we must look out for and be aware of.

The side effects of old age hit us all, and responding to your dog’s needs will make their life more comfortable in their waning years, sometimes in just the last few months of their precious lives. Pay attention and you’ll feel what they are trying to tell you – and listen.


Some dogs become more anxious as they age, and it can really affect them on a day-to-day basis. Separation anxiety could be something they experience. My boy Bolo wanted to be by my side at all times while I was at home, and I happily obliged him. This often meant carrying him to where I was, and he always slept at my feet. Loud noises can also be unsettling. I know for Bolo, he was eased by soft ambient music, and so I always had this on in the background, whether I was home or not. During holiday periods, with firework for example, or thunder storms, I keep the windows and doors closed, and try to calm my dogs again with soft sounds and a gentle voice as well. Anxiety shirts can also have a calming effect on your dog, particularly during these occasions. Lastly, try to keep to an exercise routine, and keep their mind stimulated. Most of all, stay patient. Dogs pick up on our anxiety too, so make sure to model a good mental altitude in their presence. Love them up as much as you can, you’ll never regret the cherished personal time and touch you’ll give your dog at their life’s end.

A Doggo in a Thundershirt

Vision & Hearing

Many dogs begin to have vision problems in their old age. If you feel it’s something out of the ordinary, do reach out to your vet for advice and a possible check-up. The same goes for their hearing, be mindful of either of these changes in your dog. If your dog gets startled easily when you or someone else approaches, it might just be that, they were frightened. They may not see or hear you and this can bring on that anxiety again. Make sure to come toward your dog in the front of them slowly, and speaking with a soft voice. Hand signals can be taught before it’s too late, and this way you can still communicate with your dog, and they will be more relaxed and content. Some ways to help them feel secure include keeping your home clean and clutter free, keep their food and water bowls in the same spot, and keep rugs with their scent in all the rooms of your home so they can feel less confused by where they are. By all means keep any dangerous areas of your home blocked off. Maybe you’ll need to assist them with steps so they don’t fall and hurt themselves. Try to picture yourself as elderly and make common sense choices in their living area.


Joint pain and arthritis are quite common in older dogs. If you’re dog doesn’t have underlying issues with their liver or kidneys, you may be able to give your dog a supplement such as chondroitin and glucosamine to ease their achy joints. I myself have always given my dogs fish oil, which I believe to be an effective supplement by supporting your dog’s heart, improves their coat, reduces itchy and flaky skin, and can help relieve allergies and joint pain. It can even help strengthen their immune system and could help them fight canine cancer. Leg braces may be beneficial too if your dog needs a bit of support when walking short distances.

How much fish oil can you give a dog?

To figure out your dog’s body weight in kilograms (kg), divide their weight in pounds by 2.2. For example, 50 lbs = 22.7 kg. A 50-lb dog would need about 2,000 mg (2 grams) of fish oil per day. The maximum dose for a 50-lb dog would be 3,200 mg/ day.

Getting Cold More Easily

Bolo always left the room when I turned on the air conditioning, he just didn’t need it and it made him cooler than he needed or wanted to be. He loved having his jackets put on in the cool season and was always curled up, keeping himself toasty as was his preference. Keeping your dog’s body temperature regulated will help them in relieving joint pain as well. Keep them in a warm location, and use heating aids if necessary, such as a heating pad, hot water bottle, space heater, etc. Be careful though as not to make them too hot, or burned their skin. By maintaining a comfortable body temperature, they will be able to stave off illnesses more easily as they’re not fighting being cold as well.

Jackie Chan in Cool Season


This is something I’m dealing with right now with my senior, Jackie Chan. I’m looking into a supplement that could her support but have yet to start her on anything yet. She’s in an early stage though and not too bad at the moment. That being said I keep up by making sure the floors are very clean and always maintain the washing of all rugs and bedding. Pads, diapers and bellybands may be needed, especially during the night. There are various medications on the market that aid in incontinence, check with your veterinarian if you choose this route. I, myself, try to go in an all-natural direction with my dogs whenever possible. If you’d like to read my previous posts on Jackie Chan, and incontinence in general, visit here: https://bolostail.com/jackie-chan-is-ageing/, https://bolostail.com/check-in-with-jackie-chan/. Again, when your senior dog starts having accidents, be patient and kind. We all may find ourselves in this predicament some day, and can only hope that our loved ones are just as kind to us.

Bolo with his Belly Band