Jackie is feeling more herself, thanks to Dr. Top.

It’s been months now since we lost our beloved Bolo. I know Jackie has taken it hard, and I’ve been giving her lots of attention and affection, which we’ve both needed.

Jackie had been feeling particularly low, and I thought it was just depression. There was something that wasn’t right though as on a couple of occasions she tapped her muzzle on my leg or the floor and gave out a little yelp. This is not something she had ever done. Ever. She is one tough girl, even at nearly 11 years young now.

This made me think back to when I noticed her lower right canine tooth had broken off. Jackie Chan is not one to let anyone, even me, to get up close and touch her mouth. She does allow me however, to give her the daily dose of milk thistle for her liver condition. Once looking as quickly as possible while doing so, I noticed that not only a bottom tooth had broken off, but one on the opposite side on top as well.

This seemed pretty clear at this point that she was in pain, from a possible tooth infection. I contacted Dr. Top immediately and he recommended she take a dose of antibiotics. He also gave Rimadyl for pain and inflammation. I picked it up and got her started on them right away, and she improved within a day. I am so grateful to have such an amazing and compassionate vet. The total cost was $12, but not everyone is so lucky. One more of the reasons The Land of Smiles is also known as Amazing Thailand!

We will keep an eye on her in the future just in case the teeth need to be pulled, but for now I hope she can keep them and spare her the trauma of going to another veterinarian hospital, where she would have to be put under anesthesia for surgery. Dr. Top is not equipped for that, and it would be very hard to give her ongoing treatment as she’s a biter.

Jackie’s side-eye game is on point!

I guess the main thing I want to say is this, that while your dog may miss their best friend and be showing despondency, don’t ignore any signs that there may be something else going on that you hadn’t even thought of. I was so sure that Jackie Chan was only going through emotional distress, yet it appears it was more that that.

You know your dog better than anyone else, so take their sensitivities seriously and act on them.

Submit your medical questions regarding your dog to: https://bolostail.com/ask-dr-top/