Five days after Bolo’s passing and it started out rough. For those of you that know me on a personal level, you are aware not only did I lose my very best friend in Bolo almost a week ago, but sadly my father passed away three days later. It is heartbreak that is indescribable, and I thought almost inconsolable.

The sixth day without my boy, and three days without my dad. The tears were flowing when I woke, and called a dear friend that I knew would help turn the day around. And was right in doing so as I felt a bit more motivation to actually get out of the house and take a ride.

I can’t even tell you where I went as there were so many stops. For the past seven months I’ve barely been able to break free for two hours maximum to run out and get Bolo his doggie diapers, food or medicine. This the first day I wasn’t in a rush, it felt strange somehow, but turned into a day with wonderful surprises.

Popped into a shop I frequent and found mementos for my sister and I in remembrance of our father. He was a hardcore fisherman and taught us when we were only knee high. I’m sure my sis will approve, and it’s also a thank you, from the depths of my heart and soul type of thank you. She has been inspirational in how she has cared for our very ill father for the past three years.

Let me say this…do not deprive yourself of things that bring you peace, relaxion or anything that will improve your mental health when going through loss. It’s very important to take care of yourself when you’re grieving. That being said, I then treated myself to a taco platter for lunch, dad would have approved, and a massage followed. I really needed that too.

Other various ins and outs for random needs dotted the way home. But on arrival who was there to greet me as only she can? Why, Jackie Chan of course. She was ecstatic I was home, only a dog can lift your spirits like this! Mom you didn’t abandon me, our canine friends must think this from time to time.

Mind you, she’s like this if I do a quick 7-11 run, then proceeds in ignoring me the rest of the day. Maybe she was a cat in her former life. Ha! I barely was able to get in through the gate, but after a proper hello, including a smooth session, I got all my stuff inside. And what was I most looking forward to?

Bolo’s urn had arrived. It is absolutely beautiful and such a lovely tribute to my boy. Only the best for the Boloman! And what more in my travels today did I find, but a lovely silver urn pendant to keep him close. Dog people understand.

Now this was the topper of the day…

Jackie Chan was itching to get out and run so we headed out, me on my bike, and her running free. This is how we roll. She was taking her time as it had just rained so there were just too many places to sniff out. I circled around and around waiting for her to assess the situation, she was very interested in who’d been in her hood.

We got down around the corner and she was on her usual trajectory (bat out of hell) down the small soi, that’s side-street in Thai, getting ready to jump in the marshy grass as doggos do. We were most of the way down the street when we saw him…a Bolo lookalike! I mean seriously, this dog must have been the spitting image of him 20-25 years ago. It stopped me dead in my tracks.

Moving Forward
Jackie Chan and her new friend

Let me preface this by saying Jackie Chan had a few very depressing days after Bolo left us. So needless to say, and to my surprise, she went mental – in a good kind of way. She went full on at him and he did just what Bolo would have done, he posed, held his ground, and let her come to him. He was quite the gentleman, and very smitten with my beautiful girl. From there they had what my dad would have called a lengthy ‘grab ass session’, where she ‘put the moves on him’. Jackie doesn’t play with many dogs really, especially the two males next door.

She is, for the most part, a real loner. It was a very special chance meeting, and the best thing I’d seen in ages, certainly within the last week. How thankful I was, for JC had found a new friend, and what an amazing coincidence he looked just like Bolo. That was astounding. The universe was providing just what we both needed. 🙏

Oh, what a day!

moving forward
The Bolo Lookalike