It’s been many months now since we lost Bolo, and as mentioned before Jackie Chan is doing her best without her canine companion. That being said, even though she’s had some time to adjust, Bolo was her anchor. She’s picked up so many things that he used to do, her mannerisms and habits have taken an interesting turn. Things she’d never done before, like get on my bed, eat baked goods, have a treat blanket, and so many more. I’m trying to give her the time and space she needs to carry on living her best life,, and can only hope that she’s content with that.

Taking up the mantle of pressing her head against things, just like her big bro Bolo

Our daily walks are a top priority. We get out every night, and it is the highlight of her day. She explodes into a ball of energy once I start making my way for my shoes,…it’s on! Mind you she requires an escort passed the golden retrievers on the corner, before making our way out to the big field outside, and down the road from our village.

Beautiful views

She has the energy of a one year old and can still run like the wind, she keeps me moving fast, in search of any dog friends. She has one dog in particular that she really loves, he a boxer mix of some kind and has a hilarious smooshy face that is obviously Jackie’s type. They frolic around each other for about a minute, and then just as quickly as he appears, he’s gone. Jackie seems satisfied and has a spring in her step all the way home.

Awkward as many of our walks!

My favorite part of this, not withstanding Jackie’s happy emotional state, are the group of dragonflies that follow us almost daily, from a specific spot in the field. I find it fascinating as they flutter all around us down and across the road without fail. I’m taking this as a sign, a good one.

Getting cozy

“A dragonfly is a symbol of change, transformation, self-realization and personal growth, and invites you to dive into your emotions for fuller understanding of yourself and your personal journey. It teaches us to love life, to rejoice and have faith even amidst difficulties. The totem of a dragonfly carries a sense of identity. It ensures the virtue of living freely. If you see dragonflies often, you have been called to look within and see what areas you could possibly improve on, and what you can shed in order to bring more light and freedom into your life.”

Sounds just about right for what Jackie and I are going through right now, change and growth. I’m excited for what’s next! Hoping my expectations meet my manifestations for a year continued with health, happiness and personal successes.
