My ten-year-old Jackie Chan has had a rough go the past week, or even months. With losing her brother/uncle/father figure and general partner in crime, she really has been going through some up and downs, and big changes to her personality and her emotional state. I’ve written about them previously, but this past week it’s been her health, and the lack of good in it.

Jackie was unwell for a couple of days when I decided we needed to get things checked out. Of course, it was a Sunday and our vet’s day off, so off we went to Lanna Animal Hospital. It’s a newer more boujee vet clinic in Hang Dong that has expanded, and fortunately is pretty close to home. There were two young vets on duty, and so Jackie Chan was taken care of right away and whisked off for x-rays and an ultrasound. Jackie had her belly shaved to reveal her very cow-like tummy underneath.

Her cozy place. and funny belly

What they found was she’s incredibly constipated – poor girl! My overdoing of the treats was killing her with kindness. Oops, my bad. I have to say, she’s never been a food-motivated dog, but rather craves exercise to keep her calm and ‘regular’. Even with our evening walks, it just wasn’t giving what her body needed to purge herself of all the excessive snackies. However, in the couple of past months she has turned into much like her sister Khao Wai, that would be in the kitchen instantly at the sound of any crinkling wrapper. I acquiesced. in giving in to what she seemed to be needing to feed her soul., but is wasn’t anything I exactly ever saw her emulating. from her big sis. She followed Khao Wai’s lead in pretty much everything she did though,, JC adored her. I had started giving her only soft chews just recently as she’s already broken her big canine tooth right off with her love of bones. My vet has recommended to lay off the soft treats for a while, but it’s sad she can’t understand, and must think she’s done something to be cut off, be it not completely as that would be too cruel.

So, many days in and she’s doing much better with the laxative and gas remover she was prescribed. I must say an office visit with an exam, x-rays, and ultrasound was a whopping $40. Needless to say, nothing compared to western countries. One more of the many benefits to living in sunny Thailand!

Life is always better after a walk!

Jackie Chan is back on her routine and walking every evening, and occasionally runs into a male dog to have a romp with, which puts quite the spring in her step. She’s still moving a bit slow, until she hears me end any call with Bye bye, then she’s miraculously and immediately by my side waiting to go out for her daily walk. Once she’s realized she’s jumped the gun and I’m still online working, she settles down until the next Bye bye. She’s a smart one this girl. I’ve been trying to teach her 6:30, the time when I’m always done working and we can hit the road. She hasn’t gotten it just yet, but I’m sure she’ll pick it up.

Jackie’s snazzy new cool season wear

There’s still a sadness when I look into her eyes and not sure what is going on, I think she misses having a dog friend to live with.. I feel it is partly depression, something many of us have dealt with this year.. I’m sure to give her lots of attention and belly rubs to ease her anxiety. Either way, I’ll get her checked out again soon, just for some peace of mind. Also Jackie Chan, like Bolo, has liver issues as a result from her previous bouts with e-canis. She was checked for that just two weeks ago and there is no sign of the disease but it has taken its toll on her overall health. She continues to get milk thistle every day and we keep up with regular vet and blood checks. She doesn’t love Dr. Top nearly as much as Bolo, but he treats her with such kindness that she remains pretty calm, although muzzled, during his house calls. What a wonderful man he is to come here and save me the trouble of getting her to his office for our regular check-ups. If there’s something pet-related you’d like to know from Dr. Top, click here to add your question.:, or go to Ask Dr. Top from the menu bar above.

One thing I know almost certainly, that Jackie Chan would still not be of this world if she had not clawed her way under my gate and into my heart ten long years ago. I’m thankful for that, and that we have each other right now. Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season surrounded by the ones you hold dear, and especially keep your furry family members close, they need us as much as we need them.

~Happy Holidays!~