Well. In case you were wondering how Bolo’s doing, the answer is just fine, very fine considering he’s such an oldie…but a goodie. Bolo’s latest request is me being at his beckon call 24/7. Does Bolo have me wrapped around his little paw? You bet he does. This little man is so precious to me and I’ll be honest, he’s the one.

You know what I mean, the one. Our bond has been beyond strong from that fateful day I brought him home. He has been an absolute miracle to me. Bolo has a will that I’ve never experienced in my life. He’s earned his legend status.

This boy has been my spirit animal for 17 years.

So this is the situation…

In all of our years together Bolo never has been a ‘bed dog’. If he got on the bed it was strictly for cuddles. Once you stopped petting him, he was outta there.

Bolo used to do a very adorable thing until about 4 years ago, when he did want to get on the bed. It was to start his run down the hallway to get up to speed and launch himself onto the bed. Mind you, he didn’t always stick it, and bounced off on a few occasions. He has tiny legs so that was the only way he could make it up.

Short people problems that some can relate to! The last year or so of him doing that, I’d wait by the foot of the bed in spotting position, and help him the rest of the way up. I played off the assist, as did he, he has his dignity after all. Amazingly, even well after 20, that was his MO.

Bolo back in the day, ready to Launch!

This brings us to today. What is Bolo’s new demand? Well, to be on the bed at all times now of course! He really has changed so much in the past months. I know this is to be expected at his age and stage of life, but it doesn’t really hit you unless you’ve gone through it with a pet of your own. I’ve been with Bolo so long, and he’s always had his nuances, as we all do, but it feels surreal to be an active participant in his transitions into his final stages of life.

About two weeks ago Bolo started making a very distinct crying-type howling sound that I’d never really heard from him before. I checked to see if he needed his belly band changed, water, or if he was uncomfortable in some way. I then figured maybe he was hot, so I lifted him up on the bed to feel the AC and that was it. Quiet. He tucked right in and went fast to sleep.

From then on I’ve needed to be on the bed with him too. If I try to work in the other room, he cries. If I move him in said room, he cries. Basically if I’m not by his side, he’s not having it. He wants and needs his mama, and I’m here for it.

So currently my job of online teaching is all taking place while sitting up in bed. Life could be worse! I’m a freelancer and have wonderful clients that are all very understanding dog lovers. I’m blessed in that respect, and grateful.

For the time being, this is my life, and I’m good with it. My amazing boy Bolo won’t be here forever, and I’m determined to be by his side to the end. Isn’t that what our dogs do for us?

bolo’s latest request