Before you read about Tedd’s story below, please take a minute to consider taking him into your home as a foster dog. He has paid his dues and only wants a little compassion in his twilight. He was fostered quite recently, but unfortunately due to the times we find ourselves all living in, his foster parents had to leave Thailand. It must have been quite confusing and a bit heartbreaking to be honest, that he was brought back to the shelter. I would take him in myself if I wasn’t caring for Bolo 24/7.

This big old street warrior Came into our care after at least 10 years of living rough. The daily struggle had taken quite a toll on him and the damage, while not immediately life-threatening, was extensive. We treated his collection of ailments as best we could.

But it soon became clear, that Tedd could no longer hold his own in the streets. With cataracts in both eyes, his vision is impaired and we think he is fairly deaf as well. Tedd is a friendly old fellow who is content to while away his days in our seniors’ section. His little pleasures include patrolling the perimeter of the large seniors’ enclosure, in-between generous stretches of snoozing. He also enjoys an occasional belly rub from our volunteers and he’s quite partial to chewy treats.

We are committed to giving Tedd the best quality of life we can, during his sunset years. Won’t you help us to do that by becoming his sponsor today – or fostering this lovely old guy?

Senior Tedd in his current situation 😢

Keep in mind all medical costs are covered by CVS/Care for Dogs, and it makes it that much easier and very affordable to become a foster parent!

Contact here for more information: