Lilly, a small female collie-mix as a senior dog for adoption, had spent years of her life as a temple dog when she first came to us for the treatment of very serious skin problems. During her first stay at the WVS Rescue & Rehabilitation Center, many of us fell in love with her, because of her unusually charming and loving character.

When Lilly returned once again a few months later, with many of the same skin issues, it became clear that living at the temple was likely to condemn her to more suffering. It was an easy decision to add her to our adoptions program — despite her unique “Beethoven” expression, she is full of gentle joy and love. Lilly is a very affectionate and easygoing dog. She has no problems with other dogs, cats, or humans of any age. All she wants in life is to love and be loved.

If you can imagine waking up to the soulful, loving expression of this furry love-bug, please send a message, or call us for an appointment to meet her. Our team is ready to welcome you and answer all your questions from Mon-Sat, 9-5.

NOTE: Like all our seniors, Lilly is eligible for free lifetime veterinary care from our excellent veterinary team. This will allow you to share many more years of love and affection!!

If you’re interested in adopting Lilly, please contact