My name Is Cocoa and I’m a seven-year-old female terrier mix. I may not be a show-dog, but people say I have a certain scruffy charm.

Scruffy Cuteness!

Currently, I live in the main yard at the rescue center with about 10 other dogs. I get along fine with all of them, but I usually mind my own business.

I love to go on walks with the volunteers, especially the ones who bring treats. I do enjoy my food very much and that’s why I’m a little bit chubby… well, maybe not just a little bit. I like to be around people, but I’m not needy like some other dogs and would be so pleased to just have a safe, comfortable place to live.

Is it walkie time?

If you’d like a friendly presence in your home, and a happy companion on your walks, I may be your girl! Why not come down to the WVS Rescue & Rehabilitation Center and find out? There’s no pressure; we love company!

The center welcomes all visitors from Monday thru Saturday, 10:00-16:30 (except public holidays). If you have questions about me, or any dog-related topic, send a message to, or call 086 913 8701.

Hope to get to know ya soon!

Cocoa ❤️