Countless dogs languish in shelters, often until the end of their lives. It shouldn’t have to be this way. There are so many reasons why fostering a dog can turn a life around and benefit yourself in the process. Belonging to a family could be a lifeline for that dog, and might be one for you, too.

All Dogs Available for Fostering or Adoption from WVS/Care for

Why Foster?

  • Fostering helps to prepare that special dog for a permanent home of their own. Once feeling safe in their new foster home, one can often see wholly new personalities emerge with that dog in their new environment. What a wonderful feeling to be part of this! If the foster family has previous experience with socializing dogs, great progress can be made with a foster dog’s anxiety as well. And when comfortable, they may open up and be able to work through previous trauma, abuse or neglect they may have experienced before moving on to their final home. This might not ever be possible in a crowded shelter. You can help a dog, especially a senior dog, feel loved again, and valued. In turn, this helps that dog become more adoptable.
  • Foster homes aid in the care of special needs dogs. There are always dogs with health issues that need extra attention or treatment, as my Bolo once did in his paralysis. Some cases in where a calm quiet place is exactly what’s needed for a dog that’s just had surgery, or needs recuperation time after an injury. Imagine how it would feel not to be in a comfortable place if you were not well, it only makes the healing process even more difficult. Or just the old ones, that rarely get adopted. These dogs have often been abandoned after they’ve known the comfort of a warm home. That’s a tragedy.
  • It makes room for another dog to be rescued. If you foster a dog, that frees up another space for another dog to be taken in and cared for. Shelters are often full and not able to accept more animals. You can save another life by fostering in preparation for that dog to find their permanent loving home, and so on…
  • Get a new friend for your other dogs. Absolutely!Why not invite another dog into your life if you have the time, space and inclination to care for one more, particularly if it’s a senior. You’ll have the temporary commitment for a lifetime worth of memories. And to give an oldie contentment in their final stretch is an honorable thing to do. You never know…you just might become a foster fail, and can join the club!
  • Gain Social Media Savvy. Instagram, Facebook and other platforms are a great tool to use in getting the kind of attention your foster needs to become someone’s new best friend. Even if you’re not a techie, you can easily share your foster dog’s story, and any valuable details you’ve gleaned by being their foster parent. And it could just have the desired effect = A Forever Home for your Foster Dog! Why not?

The satisfaction you will feel fostering, hopefully an older dog, will carry through to other areas of your life as well. You’ll meet like-minded caring people, you’ll feel like you’ve really done something to be proud of, and you’ll set a great example to your family and friends of the change you want to see in our world.

Please check our Adoption Listings here for Dogs Available for Fostering or Adoption.